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Shifting Spaces

I've moved here: For a while now I've been itching to update and unify my blog, shop and other social media - it all seemed disparate and disconnected and frankly was causing confusion. You know it's time to make a change and clean house when creativity gets blocked by clutter...

First Signs of Fall | Paris

Is it true what I read the other day, that there are in fact only two seasons:  autumn and waiting for autumn...   ...

Travel Files | Catalonia, Spain

The compensation of growing [older is] that the passions remain as strong as ever,  but one has gained — at last! — the power which adds the supreme flavour to existence,  — the power of taking hold of experience, of turning it around, slowly, in the light. - Virginia...

Summertime in Paris

The wondrous thing about Paris during these long awaited summer days is the ribbon of laid back activity that floats around the city... the lingering aperitifs and riverside bbqs, the sunlit evening strolls along empty streets, the music of jazz quartets and solo accordionists in the...

Maison de Victor Hugo | Paris

To visit the former living space of one of France's most celebrated literary figures and walk where he walked...  Within the splendid 17th century buildings of Place des Vosges is Victor Hugo's apartment turned museum, where he lived for 16 years and where he wrote...
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